Make sure your site is compliant with googles new SEO requirements or risk being kicked off the search engine.
You heard it right; Google is targeting and kicking small business websites off of its search engine with new restrictions and changes to the SEO platform without notifying anyone.
We noticed the change about a month ago as our very own 100 page website is under attack by google's changes. They've done so much as to even giving us a specific date to remedy this problem before we are kicked OFF of the search engine. However; before we worry about US, we are concerned for YOU, our valued customers.
Whats new?
According to the new google mandate ALL images and text have to have their own descriptions so google search engines can adequately crawl your website for search results. This is also to comply with new Ai and meta verse integrations and requires a great deal of time for anyone with more than a 5 page website. Below is a screen shot of various warnings found on each of our clients sites.
(Alt text tags are required for proper crawling of search engines on your website.)
Every item, image, or button displayed on your website must now be identified through site settings and Google Optimization Wizard before further being indexed by google. not doing this will ensure your website is taken OFF the search engine.
Ned help?
Give us a call today to set up a free analysis of your website's optimization setup at (813) 802-4191, or book an appointment. We will show you exactly what needs to be done. If you cannot handle it yourself, just ask for. free quote. We're always here to assist.