Facebook may be a veteran on the social media scene, but this online legend is a master at keeping things fresh. From its early days, the FB team kept users on their toes, and never let us get too comfortable. Heck, it wasn’t too long ago when Facebook’s introduction of cover photos was the talk of the town – remember the trauma of realizing you had to find ANOTHER great pic to prominently feature on your page?

Well, since those days, we’ve come to accept and appreciate Facebook’s ever-changing online landscape. Technological advancements paired with the shift in how we spend our free time has made Facebook an exciting space to hang out online. Whether you’re looking to promote your website or get more traction to your business’s social media page, it never hurts to take advantage of the latest ad tactics at our disposal.
Here are 5 new additions that advertisers can look forward to trying out on Facebook:
Save Items to Read Later
Don’t you hate it when you see a post that looks super interesting, but you don’t have the time to check it out right then and there? Well, Facebook has recently blessed us with the ‘save for later’ feature, which as you can probably guess, allows you to save posts you’re interested in to read at a later time. It’s basically bookmarking on Facebook, and we love it.
Add Your Shop to Facebook
Still in the testing stages, some lucky Facebook users have recently had the option of adding a store right onto their Facebook page. Shop owners can now (or will soon be able to) add a new ‘shop’ section to the top of their Facebook business page. Partnering with payment processor Stripe, Facebook will now let people buy and sell goods right from within Facebook pages.

Looking to create an online store? You’ve got everything you need to create the perfect eCommerce with Wix Stores.
Videos as comments
One of the newest features in the Facebook world, you can now add videos as a comment on a post. We know what you’re thinking, and we can’t believe this feature wasn’t introduced earlier either.

Instant Articles
Facebook recently introduced a new way to get people to read about your innermost thoughts and expertise. Made for mobile view, Instant Articles is the new way to publish articles and blog posts right within the Facebook platform. Once you publish a post, writers can redirect readers to a full article within the Facebook platform which loads faster than articles published on other external websites.
Canvas: Facebook Ads are About to Get More Beautiful
In an effort to keep viewers and advertisers locked onto Facebook for as long as humanly possible, the social network has launched Canvas: a new way to create advertising landing pages on Facebook. Canvas is Facebook’s advertising solution to the (also recently launched) Instant Articles. The idea is simple: after someone clicks on an ad that they see on Facebook, advertisers can choose for the click through to the next ad space to redirect to a beautiful and fast loading page within Facebook itself.
Made for mobile, each Canvas ad is naturally responsive and can accommodate videos, images, texts and further call-to-action buttons. One of the coolest features of this offering is that it uses the same image and video technology already incorporated into Facebook like tilt to view panoramic images and zoom capabilities.